Binoculars on safari
As a large part of your trip will be spent game viewing, and for most is the highlight of their visit, having a good pair of binoculars is an absolute must.
While on safari, animals won't always appear close to your safari vehicle. You may, for example, spot a leopard in the distance in a riverbed... Without binoculars the animal would be very difficult to observe or even barely visible to the naked eye. Good binoculars can bring game at a distance into excellent focus, and also allow for detailed observations of animals standing near the vehicle. It is truly wonderful to view a giraffe or elephant only 4 meters away through binoculars: the detail of their eyelashes are exquisite! Many people choose to buy a pair of binoculars for their safari, but soon find themselves overwhelmed by the endless selection available. So, which binoculars are the best or most appropriate for you? |
Binocular basics
Every pair of binoculars has a certain magnification. This is almost always indicated as 8x and 10x. In addition, the diameter of the lens is always indicated on the front / bottom of the binoculars. A 10x42 pair of binoculars magnifies an image by 10 times and has a lens diameter of 42mm. A 8x32 pair of binoculars magnifies an image by only 8 times and has a lens diameter of 32mm. The lens diameter is important because the larger the lens the more light it allows in and the better the image. We always recommend a 42mm lens.
Based on experience, we recommend you use a 10x magnification for safaris
Whether you opt for an 8x or 10x magnification depends on your personal preference. However, we find binoculars with a magnification of 8x or a lens diameter inferior to 32mm unsuitable for safari.
Cost VS Quality
Cheap binoculars
Top of the range
Good binoculars aren't cheap.
We recommend you choose a better quality, solid and long lasting pair of binoculars.
Best Buy
Given all the information above, which binoculars should you buy? In our experience, the Vortex Diamondback 10x42 is by far the best buy. This places a robust, top of the range pair of binoculars in hands for just under 250 euros. Moreover Vortex offers an unmatched guarantee: Even if you've dropped your binoculars the warranty remains valid. For more information, including reviews, visit:
Do you want a pair of binoculars in the 150-250 euro range? Consider the Nikon 10x42 Prostaff, which costs about 170 euros.
In the world of binoculars the saying You get what you pay for is all too true. Higher end binoculars offer a better image than cheaper ones, even though they look alike and their specifications seem similar. The difference lies in the quality of the glass: the more expensive the binoculars the better the quality of the glass and thus the clearer the image it produces.
Do you want a pair of binoculars in the 150-250 euro range? Consider the Nikon 10x42 Prostaff, which costs about 170 euros.
In the world of binoculars the saying You get what you pay for is all too true. Higher end binoculars offer a better image than cheaper ones, even though they look alike and their specifications seem similar. The difference lies in the quality of the glass: the more expensive the binoculars the better the quality of the glass and thus the clearer the image it produces.
The only way to discern the difference between different models
is to try them out.
Renting binoculars
Tailor Made Safaris offers high-quality 10x42 binocular rental services for our fully guided tours. Unfortunately, this service isn't available to self-drive guests. Please indicate how many pairs you'd like to rent for your party prior to your guided tour. Rental cost is ZAR 75 per day. Please note, it is only possible to rent binoculars for the entire journey, not just for a few days during your trip.